Machine Shop Training Course Volume 2
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Machine Shop Training Course, Vol. 2: Elementary and Advanced Machine Shop Practice for Shop Courses, Schools and Self-Instruction 5th Edition
566 pages by Franklin D .Jones
Overview: (Check images up above for Table of Contents for this Volume)
Packed with facts and rules that students can put to use in the shop and toolroom, they include everything from underlying principles, to standards, to calculations for every specific task in shop training. Together, they provide an outstanding treatise on machine shop practice. No classroom or workshop where apprentices are being trained can afford to be without these valuable combination text and reference guides. Covers fundamental principles; methods of adjusting and using different types of machine tools - with typical examples of:
- work-measuring instruments and gauges
- cutting screw threads by different processes
- thread grinding
- gear cutting
- precision toolmaking methods
- typical shop problems with solutions
- miscellaneous facts relating to the art of machine construction and much, much more